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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 3, 2011 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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[ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac --
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, that's what i'm talking about. hey! what's happening, buddy? that's nice. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," everybody! oh man. [ cheers and applause ] going to be a good show. i got that feeling. hey, listen to this, you guys. a new poll found that 77% of americans think lawmakers acted like spoiled children during the debt ceiling debate. yeah. [ laughter ] in response, lawmakers issued a statement saying, nuh-uh. [ laughter ] you act like spoiled children. why are you hitting yourself? why are you hitting yourself? [ laughter ] hey, it's rumored that charlie sheen checked his ex-wife brooke mueller out of rehab in mexico and brought her to another facility. which begs the question, what kind of rehab lets charlie sheen taking someone out? [ laughter ] you're coming or going? you're taking her? okay.
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duh, leaving. [ laughter ] some more celebrity news. last week, twilight star, taylor lautner bought a $200,000 car. it was weird. the dealer was like, ha-ha that car is only worth 15 grand. team edward, biotch! [ laughter and applause ] yeah! [ applause ] did you hear about this? the tsa has a new program where agents have in-depth conversations with passengers to detect suspicious behavior. or as most people put it -- you know what? i'll just take the groping. [ laughter ] let's just -- that was much better. i don't want to talk to anybody. this is crazy. a woman in here new york was arrested for pouring chili on $700 worth of victoria's secret underwear. [ laughter ] that's right. she smothered lingerie with chili -- or as rush limbaugh calls that, foreplay. [ laughter and applause ] why don't you just slip into something a little more con carne. [ laughter ]
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>> steve: what? >> jimmy: con carne? [ laughter ] oh, this is interesting. a recent survey found that 67% of people rely more on their computer than their dog, and i can see why. when i asked my computer who played the bad guy in "diehard," it said alan rickman. but when i asked my dog, he just sat there going "which 'diehard?' there have been like four of them." [ laughter ] i don't know. get this -- a new study found that the jellyfish population is on the rise at the jersey shore. either that or j-woww's implants just got loose. [ laughter ] you're going to have to pee on it anyway. [ laughter ] check this out. a company in seattle is coming out with a medical marijuana patch for dogs and cats. so finally, dogs and cats won't have to buy their weed illegally. [ laughter ] that's right.
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a medical marijuana patch for pets, or as my dog put it -- "wait, wait. i got it. the bad guy in "diehard" was hans gruber." [ laughter ] who was the actor who played him? get lost. >> steve: i hate your dog. >> jimmy: my dog is such a pain. >> steve: oh, he's an ass. [ laughter ] and he's high all the time. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he has condition, a medical condition. >> steve: oh, well. he had it before. >> jimmy: yeah, glaucoma. >> steve: yeah. exactly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and finally, a woman in new jersey was arrested for running a prostitution ring out of a dunkin donuts. [ laughter ] yeah, when one guy asked for something with cinnamon, they were like "sorry, cinnamon's off tonight." [ laughter and applause ] we have a great show for you tonight! give it up for the roots, everybody! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's sergio mendes right there sitting in with the roots. [ cheers and applause ] sergio provided music for the hit movie "rio," which is out on dvd today. and you can find all of his classics on this new compilation called "celebration, a musical journey." sergio, thanks so much for being here. this is awesome! [ cheers and applause ] so many good songs. as many of you guys know, it's "shark week." so, now -- it's time for a quick shark fact. >> shark fact! ♪ >> the first official shark sighting was in 1982, by pop sensation, huey lewis during his "picture this" tour. [ laughter ]
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>> shark fact! [ chomps ] >> one more bite. here we go. [ chomp ] >> jimmy: we got a great show tonight, you guys. you know him as kenny powers from the hbo show "eastbound and down," and the new movie "30 minutes or less." danny mcbride is here. [ cheers and applause ] he's a funny, funny gentleman. good actor. [ applause ] from "glee," dianna agron is here to tell us about the new "glee" 3d concert movie. [ cheers and applause ] she's great on the show. we love ourselves some "glee." and we have music from the winners of "rolling stone" magazine's "do you want to be a rock'n roll star?" contest. the sheepdogs -- [ cheers and applause ] -- won last night. look at that. celebrating in times square, fulfilling every band's dream, they are on the cover of "rolling stone." look at this. look at that, guys! [ cheers and applause ]
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a lot of hair going on there. [ laughter ] i love the sheepdogs. they were great. they were on our show. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: and they won our little contest. they had to make up a song and that. it was awesome. >> steve: yeah, that was good. >> jimmy: and we gave them 20 pints. we go you guys won 20 pints -- congratulations. they were like -- [ gasp ] -- "awesome." it was like 20 pints of ice cream. [ laughter ] they got late night snack. but they were -- either way, they went out and got wasted anyway, probably. thanks again to garnier fructis for sponsoring that contest and helping make this happen. this show is going to be awesome, you guys. it's going to be fun tonight. i'm excited. [ cheers and applause ] a lot of show. a lot of fun people. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, it's time to take a look at the stories making headlines today, and weigh the good with the bad. it's time for "pros and cons!" here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ pros and cons and pros and cons and pros ♪ >> jimmy: tonight, we'll be taking a look at the pros and cons of "the jersey shore" in italy. [ laughter ] that's right. season four premieres this thursday with the cast hanging out in florence, italy.
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should be interesting to see what happens. so, let's take a look at the pros and cons. here we go. pro -- the entire gang went to italy. con -- there is no con, unless you live in italy. [ laughter ] pro -- vinnie was able to trace his roots back to a small town in sicily. con -- snooki was able to trace her roots back to smurf village. [ laughter ] [ as a smurf ] you're back. [ laughter ] ♪ [ humming smurf theme ] [ as a smurf ] there's an orange smurf. [ laughter ] the orange smurf? >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] pro -- j-woww and the situation had a thought-provoking discussion about leonardo, and michelangelo. con -- and the other two ninja turtles. [ laughter ] >> questlove: "turtle power." [ laughter ] "turtle power." >> jimmy: heroes in a half shell. pro -- you'll get to see florence through snooki's eyes. con -- you'll get to see naples through j-woww's shirt.
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[ laughter ] >> steve: whoa! [ laughter ] you won the dry t-shirt contest. [ laughter ] not even the wet t-shirt. no, it's not even wet. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the dry one. >> steve: oh, my gosh. it's a vesuvius -- [ laughter ] somebody's close to the alps. ♪ ricola [ laughter ] >> jimmy: pro -- pauly d and the crew hitting up italy's beaches. con -- guidos and speedos. [ laughter ] major con. pro -- snooki hooked up with a gondolier. con -- she ended up getting gondo-leria. [ laughter ] got to say, i never heard of gondo-leria. [ applause ] >> steve: that's not good. >> jimmy: definitely not good. >> steve: no. lot of -- >> jimmy: got to be careful who you're smushing. [ laughter ] pro -- everyone in italy is getting into it. con -- even the pope. [ chanting ]
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[ applause ] >> steve: cabs are here, cabs are here, cabs are here. >> jimmy: he's at the vatican. >> steve: -- at the vatican. >> jimmy: cabs are here. >> steve: all right it's 50/50. cabs are here. >> jimmy: oh man. pro -- the situation cooked his specialty italian dish. con -- penne ala vodka and red bull. [ laughter ] never heard of that. pro -- j-woww had a lot of italian sausage. [ laughter ] >> steve: how's that, dude? what's the con. >> jimmy: con -- if you know what i mean. [ laughter ] they saw that coming a mile away. the audience laughed before i even finished it. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: what is that? i don't get it? >> jimmy: i don't either -- neither do i. she was very hungry. >> steve: oh, okay. [ laughter ] beautiful sausage. [ laughter ] i love sausage.
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>> jimmy: she had a sausage. >> steve: yeah, that's all. >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: not a salami. [ laughter ] just a sausage. >> jimmy: not a salami. >> steve: not a penne. >> jimmy: no penne. >> steve: nope. [ laughter ] she did not have a sausage and two meatballs. [ laughter ] she did not have that. >> jimmy: i'm starting to get that joke now. [ laughter ] no, i still don't get it. >> steve: oh, i don't get it. [ laughter ] spicy meatball. yeah. >> jimmy: there you go. >> steve: and a lot of sauce. [ laughter ] alfredo. [ laughter and applause ] [ rim shot ] >> jimmy: ew. [ laughter ] ew, ew. ew. nuh-uh. >> steve: uh-uh. >> jimmy: ew. >> steve: no pine nuts. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and finally, this is our last one here. pro -- we get to hear vinnie's artistic assesment of da vinci's mona lisa. con --
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she's a grenade! [ laughter and applause ] and that's our "pros and cons." [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with "wheel of carpet samples." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ child's voice ] ooh, that looks good. [ child's voice ] can i have some? [ child's voice ] you guys should rock, paper, scissors for it. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. i win! oh, man. [ muffled ] congratulations. [ male announcer ] get your own subway® bbq pulled pork sub. slow-cooked pork with bold barbecue sauce.
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and we got onesies! sometimes miracles get messy. so we use tide free. no perfumes or dyes for her delicate skin. brad. not it. not it. just kidding. that's our tide. what's yours? i grew up wearing lots of hand-me-downs. bell bottoms in the '80s? not pretty. then she found them. she loved them, so i washed them in tide with downy and they're still soft and fresh. right? i'm blogging. really. i'm talking. that's my tide. what's yours?
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that sounded like the chocobeast. he likes to sink his fangs into people who steal chocolate temptations. aaah! [ all scream ] nice job, chocobeast! [ male announcer ] temptations. it's the first jell-o just for adults. say i'm missing england. i type in e-n-g... and he gives me a variety of options. would you like to have a look at a map, my lad? ah, why not? shall we check on the status of your knighthood? yes. again? yes, again, please! thank you. with my digital manservant, i'll never be homesick again. would you like me to put the kettle on, sir? no, i'd like you to get rid of that ostrich. it's been here a month. [ male announcer ] think, type, go. with just type. only on the new hp touchpad with webos.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. welcome back to the show. hey guys, it's time to announce this week's "late night hashtag." it's summer time, which means a lot of people are going camping. so, before the show i went on twitter, and i started a hashtag called called "camping fail." for example, i tweeted out, "a friend said he'd make pancakes for breakfast, didn't bring the instant kind. and then, he asked if i had any eggs and margarine on me." [ laughter ] no. i'm camping. why would i bring -- [ laughter ] -- margarine? anyone bring any -- he didn't bring the instant kind. anyway, it was awful because i did bring a pan and i was -- we made a big deal. we were like you guys are making pancakes for everyone this morning. we were like -- [ gasp ] -- and then, it was not the instant pancake mix. it was just -- [ laughter ] -- it was just awful. anyway -- and then someone was murdered. [ laughter ] i glossed over that part. the pancakes were the most disappointing thing. [ laughter ]
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>> steve: someone was murdered on your camping trip? >> jimmy: they were. yeah, that's correct. >> steve: but the fail for you was the pancakes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there was nothing to eat that morning. [ laughter ] >> steve: oh, okay. i can see your point. >> jimmy: yeah. this is where you guys come in. go on twitter, tweet out something embarrassing or awful that happened to you while camping. and be sure to include the hashtag "camping fail." i'll look at all of them and put some of my favorites on the show tomorrow night. so, tune in. you might see your tweet on the show. [ cheers and applause ] it will be fun. oh, wow. everyone, i'm so excited. coming up is my favorite game. this game is amazing. if you like carpets and you like samples -- [ laughter ] -- you're going to love this. it's a game we call "wheel of carpet samples." here we go. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: let's give tonight's lucky contestants.
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come on over! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ welcome, welcome to "wheel of carpet samples." the world's only game show. [ laughter ] how you guys feeling tonight? you guys feeling good? >> yeah. >> feeling great. >> jimmy: all right, now, in case you don't know the rules, here's a quick refresher. on this wheel we have dozens of carpet samples, only the best varieties, of course. we've got "midnight stallion," "soggy otter," -- [ laughter ] -- "navajo caress," "tar pit starfish" and of course, we have tonight's -- ♪ -- mystery sample. higgins, can you tell us what tonight's mystery sample is? >> steve: tonight's mystery sample is brown. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hi, there. what's your name and where are you from? >> stacy from calgary, alberta, canada.
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>> jimmy: hey, welcome. very good, from canada. very nice. [ cheers and applause ] all right, audience. help me out -- are you ready? help me out. spin that wheel of carpet samples! there you go -- go for it. give it a good spin. [ drumroll ] nice one. careful -- you don't want to get rug burn. [ laughter ] here it goes around and around. where it ends up, nobody knows! oh --"tar pit starfish!" ♪ [ cheers and applause ] you got "tar pit starfish." that means your score is 492. [ buzzer ] uh-oh! you know what that sound means? absolutely nothing. [ laughter ] [ growl ] and you know what that sound means. it's time for a carpet sample fun fact. >> carpet sample fun fact. ♪ james buchanan was the only unmarried u.s. president. >> jimmy: yep. [ laughter ] keep that in mind. it might come in handy later. thank you for playing. come on. hey, how you doing, buddy? [ cheers and applause ] nice to see you, man. [ applause ]
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what is your name and where are you from? >> i'm jeremy from san antonio. >> jimmy: hey, welcome jeremy. >> yeah. [ whistle ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: whoa. hey-oh! it's time for a carpet sample magic trick. [ laughter ] you ready? >> yeah. >> jimmy: okay. pick a card, any card. [ laughter ] don't show me. i'm not looking. okay. show it to the audience. all right, now place the card back on in deck. [ laughter ] was this your card? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] magic. all right. she's got 492 points, which is the most you can possibly get. you think you can top it? >> oh, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. let's spin that wheel of carpet samples! there you go, buddy! give it a good spin. [ drumroll ] aggressive. aggressive spin. watch out. yeah, that's good. i don't want you to -- don't want to fall off and we'll roll out of here together. [ laughter ] that was a great spin, my man. which one are you looking at? >> i'm going for the mystery.
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>> jimmy: oh my god. i wonder what it is. oh, "iguana mirage." ♪ you got "iguana mirage." you know what that means. let's put three seconds on the clock. when i say go, you have to name as many things as you possibly can. ready? [ laughter ] go! >> fish -- questlove. what's his name? [ buzzer ] [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: fish? fish is not his name. sergio mendes. >> sergio. i'm sorry, man. >> jimmy: his name is not -- >> my fault. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you freaked out a little bit. no problem, yeah, yeah. you did. you watch the tape. you did say it. yeah, get out of here. [ laughter ] we're looking for a waffle iron, by the way. waffle iron was the word. [ laughter ] >> waffle iron. >> jimmy: and you didn't say it. anyways, hey, how you doing, buddy? >> how's it going? >> jimmy: nice to see you. what's your name, where are you from? >> i'm matt from amsterdam, new york. >> jimmy: hey, very good. [ whistle ] [ boing ] [ laughter ] you know what that means. it's time for a carpet sample cartoon break. >> carpet sample cartoon break! ♪
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[ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: classic dog. okay, contestant number three. it's time to spin that wheel of carpet samples! go for it, buddy, come on. [ cheers and applause ] [ drumroll ] nice, muscular spin. i'm scared to stand next to it. it's a little wobbly there. what are you looking for? what are you going for? >> "the handsome crab" is what i got in my apartment. >> jimmy: yeah, "handsome crab." it would match his -- yeah. it would match the drapes. >> yeah. >> jimmy: here we go. [ laughter ] oh, it might -- we might get your wish. >> come on, come on. >> jimmy: oh, you might get it! there it is! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ there it is. "handsome crab." congratulations. >> oh, thanks. >> jimmy: now, this is one of the closest matches in the long and storied history of wheel of carpet samples. higgins, who is tonight's winner?
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>> steve: pringles. no, potato chips in a can. [ laughter ] hold on a second. tonight, contestant number two is the winner. ♪ >> jimmy: hey, contestant number two. you won. [ cheers and applause ] congratulations. what did he win? >> steve: well, he won a carpet sample. this sample of carpet is 14 inches long, five inches wide and is a carpet sample, jimmy. ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow, that is great. congratulations, buddy. guys, unfortunately, you're two losers. you don't get to take home a carpet sample. i am so sorry. but, nobody goes empty-handed. higgins, tell them about tonight's consolation prize. >> steve: well, tonight's losers receive a $300 gift certificate to the apple store. [ cheers and applause ] this $300 dollar gift certificate is valued at $300 and can be exchanged for $300 worth of merchandise at any apple stores. good luck, losers. jimmy! >> jimmy: guys, so sorry. so sorry. but, thank you for playing. but hey, you're the big winner. [ laughter ] you got it, buddy. i mean, you got that carpet sample.
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>> yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what are you going to do with it? >> i don't know, jimmy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're just so giddy. it is pretty awesome. >> look at it, man. >> jimmy: yeah, just look at it. that's about all you can do, really. [ laughter ] we're just kidding. we're going to give you the gift certificate, too. there you go, buddy. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] that's all the time we have. we'll see you all next time on "wheel of carpet samples." we'll be right back with danny mcbride, everybody. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] it seems everyone is saying they have the best unlimited plan. here's the truth. at&t and verizon give you unlimited text and talk, but charge you extra for going over 2 gigabytes of data. t-mobile claims they're unlimited, but use your phone a lot and they slow down your data speed.
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with sprint, you don't get charged extra, you don't slow down. and you get unlimited data, text and calling, to any mobile for only $79.99. the best unlimited plan wins. trouble hearing on the phone? visit [ female announcer ] real fruit... means real fruit smoothies from mccafé. real delicious and made just for you. ♪ real delicious and made just for you. get 5% cash back when you use chase freedom for gas. don't miss out. activate your 5% today. go to
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i don't know. the usual? [ blower whirring ] sometimes it pays to switch things up. my - what, my hair? no. car insurance. i switched to progressive and they gave me discounts for the time i spent with my old company. saved a bunch. that's a reason to switch. big savings -- it's a good look for you. [ blower whirring ] [blower stops] the safety was off. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know my first guest from hit comedies, like "pineapple express" and "tropic thunder," as well as his hbo series, "eastbound and down." starting friday, august 12th, you can see him in "30 minutes or less." please welcome back to our show, danny mcbride, everybody!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh my god. it's yauch! >> yes. >> jimmy: dude, danny mcbride. thank you for coming back to the show. since you've been here, big news. >> yes. >> jimmy: you're married. >> mm hm. >> jimmy: and you're expecting a baby. >> next month. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's awesome, buddy. congratulations. >> yeah. we're really excited. we're shooting "eastbound and down" right now and so, we finish three weeks before the baby's due, so every night i talk to him. it's like, "just chill in there. it's cool. don't come early. you're not missing anything out here. just relax." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "it's all going fine." exactly. you excited about fatherhood? >> i'm stoked. i'm so ready for it. you know, you think you're ready but everyone i talk to is like, "you have no idea what's in store, so --" >> jimmy: yeah, exactly, yeah. so you always -- do you have thing like -- i always think, like, i'm just give my kids, you know, anything
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they want or i'm gonna just make them eat ice cream everyday? >> just -- i'm only gonna let them -- let him play with sticks and stones. that's it. >> jimmy: that's perfect. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> keep it simple. >> jimmy: that's pretty good, yeah. >> keep it green. >> jimmy: and names will never hurt him. >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: absolutely not. season three -- here, season two's on dvd right now. look at this. [ laughter ] look at this human being. [ cheers and applause ] >> yes. disgusting. >> jimmy: so good. that's kenny powers, right there. that's a nice hairdo you got right there. >> yeah, it's nice. one of the many wonderful haircuts i get to wear when i work, yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, you gotta have -- normally it's a decent mullet. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you have a pretty good mullet with this character. he's a fun guy to play, huh? >> he is fun. you know, i created that show with friends of mine that i've known since i was like 18 years old, so -- yeah, we just get to go to work and tell filthy jokes and give me cornrows. it's awesome. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. you're shooting in myrtle beach, right? >> we are. this season, we're shooting in wilmington, north carolina and myrtle beach, south carolina. i don't know, have you ever been there before? >> i've been to myrtle beach, yeah, yeah, yeah. i did a -- some stand up thing out there. it was like -- >> you were in jail there. >> jimmy: i was in jail. [ laughter ]
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yeah, yeah, it was rough. it's a spring break-y type of place. >> it is. >> jimmy: that's why i was there. i wasn't there on -- >> yeah, i had been on many vacations there when i was a kid. in virginia, like, when you graduate high school, you go to beach week there for a week and we call it the redneck riviera. it's a beautiful, beautiful place. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that right? yeah, i heard that everyone just went nuts that your character, kenny powers is in town. >> they did. we would drive by bars and there would be signs outside saying that kenny powers drinks for free and -- that's quite a different reception i got then when i was there when i was 18 years on beach week. no one cared if i was -- >> jimmy: no one cared at all. yeah, yeah, yeah. you had to buy your own beers, yeah. i want to talk about" 30 minutes or less." gosh, this movie is so funny. this is a really, really well-done movie. >> i had a blast with it. it's -- you know, ruben fleischer, director of "zombieland." >> jimmy: yeah. >> ben stiller's producing it and, you know, it has aziz ansari and jesse eisenberg, nick swardson. yeah, it was a great cast. >> jimmy: everybody's cool. it's you and nick. do you want to tell everyone what it's about, the movie? >> yeah, you know, nick and i are sort of these, like, bumbling, wannabe criminal masterminds, i guess. >> very simple.
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>> jimmy: everyone scores in it man. i mean, gosh, aziz, jesse, they all score. michael -- is it -- >> michael pena, yeah. >> jimmy: gosh, he made me laugh in this. and you and nick swardson. we love nick swardson on our show. he's been on a couple times. you guys have great chemistry. did you guys know each other before the movie? >> we didn't. we met at the -- we met at the table read. it was the first time i'd ever met him, but i was a fan of his work and -- yeah, we met there and got along great and yeah, he cracks me up. he's a blast but when i first met him, you know, i was like, "well, let's go -- let's catch up, let's have a beer and just kind of like, get to know each other." and nick was like, "oh, i'm on a fast, like i'm -- no drinking." and then it was like, every time i was like, wanting to hang out, he was like, on some weird fast where he couldn't drink. and so, finally, like, about halfway through the shoot, you know, aziz and i had already decided we were gonna go brave grand rapids, michigan. that's where we were shooting. and then -- [ scattered cheers ] yeah, grand rapids. [ laughter ] and nick came to us in a moment. he was like, "the fast is over." >> jimmy: oh no. >> and it was time to release the kraken and i saw why -- i saw why nick doesn't drink a lot, yeah. i saw why he stays out of it.
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>> jimmy: he went for it, right? he went for it? >> he went for it. well, when i go out to bars, if i go out, you know, i'll get a shot here or there, by a fan. but like, if you go out with like me, aziz and nick, someone is bound to have seen something that one of us has been in, so it was a constant barrage of shots and i wish i had a great story for how that night ended but we really, kind of end -- i just kind of -- there's only like moments and bits. at one point, aziz and i are in the back of a kitchen, making sushi in some restaurant and a p.a. is brining nick in, who was sleeping against a street lamp, outside and -- [ laughter ] i think aziz and nick and myself -- like, i kind of remember coming to around 4:30 in morning, in a swimming pool at a hotel that none of us were staying at. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is super fun, man. well, you can tell, like, a lot of the scenes -- i don't know if they were scripted or improvised but -- between you and nick, it's just like these two bumbling, just like -- just two idiots and you're dad's like a -- ex marine. >> yeah. >> jimmy: he's a tough, tough dad. >> super tough dad. >> jimmy: and he walks in on -- you and nick are watching a 3-d "friday the 13th."
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it's a giant -- on a giant projection screen. and you're like, "look, i'm just standing up to jason. i'm not a wimp." and you're like -- you're fighting him and you're -- >> fighting him and making -- making love to his mask too, yeah. >> jimmy: you were making love? yeah, yeah. >> to his 3-d mask, yes. >> jimmy: and the dad just walks in on you guys like, "what the heck you guys doin?" >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's almost like -- it's -- i can't do it justice 'cause there's 20,000 jokes in there but the other thing is the seriousness of how ridiculous you guys are and you take it so serious. you have a gorilla mask on. he has a chimp mask on when he -- when you guys go to attack jesse. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and be like -- terrorizing -- >> yeah, we don't want him to obviously know who we are, so we wear masks but that kind of is cool because then, for half of a movie, it's just -- you know, you skip hair and makeup. you just put that mask on and, you know, just talk loud. make sure it gets through the mask is all, yeah. >> jimmy: god. it's so funny. we have, actually, a clip here. this is after you -- after you first get jesse eisenberg. you -- he delivers a pizza to the wrong place, and then you're explaining to him what's gonna happen -- >> i'm explaining the rules. >> jimmy: -- if he doesn't rob this bank. here is danny mcbride.
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>> right now, you are wearing a highly explosive bomb vest. >> can we take the tape off? i'm trusting you now. >> help! >> help, someone help him! >> why are you doing this to me? >> the money, dude. >> cha cha cha ching. >> i'll get you 1,000 bucks. i swear to god, please. >> we're gonna need 100 grand. >> [ whistles ] >> go ahead and tell him about the bomb vest. >> this has a little remote detonator on the back we can trigger at any time by dialing the number. [ imitates keypad beeps ] >> allow me to make a little demonstration for you. pay attention to the cuddly bear, there, on the barrel. ring-ring, ring. "hello, bear. how's it going? what do you mean you couldn't rob the bank? it was too hard? that's a shame, my stuffed buddy. because time is up." [ explosion ] >> whoa! >> i liked that bear. i don't even know you. >> jimmy: there you go. [ cheers and applause ] it's all good lines like that. danny mcbride, you're awesome, buddy. come back. you guys, "30 minutes or less" is in theatres everywhere friday, august 12th. and the second season of "eastbound and down" is out on dvd and blu-ray today. danny mcbride, once again.
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dianna agron joins us next. come on back, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ child's voice ] ooh, that looks good. [ child's voice ] can i have some? [ child's voice ] you guys should rock, paper, scissors for it. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. i win! oh, man. [ muffled ] congratulations. [ male announcer ] get your own subway® bbq pulled pork sub. slow-cooked pork with bold barbecue sauce.
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popular television show, "glee." and starting next friday -- next friday, august 12th, "glee" fans around the globe will be able to see their beloved cast on the big screen in "glee: the 3-d concert movie." please welcome to the show a lovely and talented actress, dianna agron, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you for coming on the show. you look gorgeous. >> thank you. >> jimmy: -- your first time here. >> it is. >> we had cory monteith on last night. >> i love him. >> jimmy: yeah, you do. that's your buddy, right? >> yeah, we have -- >> jimmy: do you have a special bond with him because he was the first, like -- the first season together? >> yeah and we had -- >> jimmy: like, that was the big plotline. >> yeah, and we had most of our scenes together. we had hot tub moments. >> jimmy: oh. >> making out. >> jimmy: yeah. >> which is the best way to get to know somebody. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you don't -- you really get to know somebody, yeah. just get in a hot tub and just make out, yeah. >> you do, yeah. with crew everywhere.
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>> jimmy: yeah, i used to hang out with snooki a long time ago and that's how we -- yeah. that's how we got to know each other, yeah. >> but you're married now. >> jimmy: yeah. i'm married now, yeah. so i'm too -- >> snooki days are over. >> jimmy: i know, yeah. but i still -- i can still dream. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: but congratulations. god, "glee" couldn't be a bigger, bigger, bigger thing. it's awesome. jane lynch is now hosting the emmys. >> i know. >> jimmy: which is gonna be -- >> following you. >> jimmy: what's she gonna do -- for the opening? you have to have a big opening. >> maybe a "west side story" -- >> jimmy: yeah, that'd be fun. >> "when you're a jet." >> jimmy: i'll do that. i like -- i'll do that. ♪ when you're a jet you're a jet all the way ♪ [ laughter ] >> yes, and then the -- [ cheers and applause ] the jumping. but i'm really good. that was really good. >> jimmy: yeah, they weren't -- they weren't the most masculine gang members. >> i mean -- no, in the movie. >> well -- >> jimmy: ♪ you're never alone you're never disconnected ♪ [ laughter ] yeah, yeah, exactly. but it's fun. it could be good. >> gentle snap. >> jimmy: she's a genius, though, jane lynch. >> oh, she's the best. >> jimmy: brilliant. >> i was so nervous to work with her. >> jimmy: oh, really? why? >> first day -- oh, i mean -- to
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me, jane is our lucille ball, who i was obsessed with growing up. >> jimmy: oh yeah. >> am i the only one who knows lucille ball? >> jimmy: no, yeah, no, no. [ cheers and applause ] absolutely, no, yeah, we know. >> good. >> jimmy: she's brilliant though. >> and so, i just -- i didn't know what it was gonna be like and she's such a team player. it's not -- i don't know. you're not this way either. >> jimmy: she's a great improviser. >> it's not like, "i'm gonna be funny and it doesn't matter what you do or what you're about, i'm gonna be funny and so don't get in my way." she is -- she is just wonderful and -- >> jimmy: she's giving and funny. yeah, we've had her on the show a couple of times. she's awesome. >> yeah. >> jimmy: now, with "glee," every time i hear about "glee," either on the internet or when i'm reading my blogs -- >> mm hm. [ light laughter ] when you're trolling, so they say? >> jimmy: when i'm trolling the -- yeah, exactly. >> that's the new term i heard. >> jimmy: "smurfing" -- "smurfing" the worldwide weird. [ laughter ] >> that's nice, as well. >> jimmy: but i see "glee" rumors all over the place. they're stopping "glee." you guys are graduating. there's no more. you're fired. everyone is going nuts on the set. do you know what's going on? is anyone spinning off? is lea and cory getting a
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sitcom? >> they're gonna do a show on the moon. >> jimmy: they are doing it on the moon? >> a singing, dancing, like -- it's like "mork & mindy." >> jimmy: more mork than mindy, i guess, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: interesting, yeah, but no one -- do you know and you're not allowed to say? >> i don't know anything. >> jimmy: and ryan murphy's a nice guy, right? >> i know i have a fitting on monday. of course -- >> jimmy: he's a great guy. >> i mean, he's -- we lovingly call him "dad," like "daddy warbucks" but, i mean, he's not old enough to have birthed -- >> jimmy: fathered any of you guys. >> you know, if men could have babies. >> jimmy: but you do like him, yeah, that's true. >> yeah. >> jimmy: well, that's a whole different story. but we'll find out that story in "glee" 3-d, 'cause there is a birth. no i'm not -- it's not set in space. this one is just 3-d >> oh my gosh. >> jimmy: but this is -- here's what i like about this -- >> this movie comes out next friday and it comes out -- it's only open for two weeks. then it's gone. can't see it if you wanted to. >> no more. locked up. >> jimmy: this is it. so already, it's like the first week, it's sold out. it's crazy. >> do you think? >> jimmy: i know. >> how do you know? >> jimmy: my friends want to get tickets for his kids. they're sold out, can't go. >> really? >> jimmy: can't go to opening night, yeah. >> that's crazy. >> jimmy: yeah, i swear, i mean, look at this.
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"glee," you place record 156 singles on billboard's hot 100 chart. you broke elvis presley's record of 108 singles. you've had 11 top ten albums on the billboard 200 chart, which every -- that's with every album you put out -- only 11 -- >> did you make up these stats. >> jimmy: no, three of them went to number one. >> that's cool. >> jimmy: you did a good job. congratulations. i mean, you're very, very successful. [ cheers and applause ] did you love doing the movie? in the concert? did you go nuts? i mean -- >> it was really fun. it is -- you get to be a pseudo rock star and travel around the world and -- world, well, yeah, we did. we did. >> jimmy: you ended in dublin, right? >> but it's not -- it's true, it's true. >> jimmy: that's awesome. >> a lot of us -- actually, i don't think any of us have been to ireland, so that was amazing. >> jimmy: really? >> and, yeah -- in my head, it felt much larger than it was but i guess it was pretty large. >> jimmy: i mean, it's -- well, you did it really fast, i guess, i mean. >> yeah, yeah, and something like 45 shows and -- >> jimmy: did you grow up doing musical theatre or singing or doing any of that stuff or --
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>> a bit, but -- >> jimmy: this is like a dream come true. >> in my head, it was -- >> jimmy: this is crazy, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i mean, 'cause you could actually sing, i mean, to -- compared to like, you know, you get, like, "the real housewives." they all think they can sing. but i mean the -- >> do they sing? >> jimmy: oh yeah, they have some great -- oh -- >> actually, i know one. which one? "don't be tardy for the party"? >> no. >> jimmy: it wasn't one -- >> amber riley -- amber riley would always sing -- what's that ring? it was something like -- ♪ the ring didn't mean a thing whoa, oh, oh ♪ [ laughter ] it's like something like that. it's like -- >> jimmy: that's exactly the way it go -- yeah, probably -- i don't know that one but that sounds pretty good. >> apparently she's like sassy. >> jimmy: yeah, i like that. >> ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa >> jimmy: i like that you took out -- you're very -- you like to direct. you directed a video and you directed a movie as well? >> short film. >> jimmy: short film, yeah? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's cool. and now you -- you've brought your camera out. >> oh, right. >> jimmy: look at -- you guys just all dancing around, going nuts. >> yeah. >> jimmy: partying down. nice black and white, there. and then, here's some fans over in dublin. >> it was so fun -- i accidentally brought my --
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well -- >> jimmy: -- but that's what it looks like while you're onstage. >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, look at that girl. i like that. >> i just -- >> jimmy: that's a girl, right? >> yeah! [ laughter ] >> well, and this kid -- so, see this kid, here? >> jimmy: no, wait. hold on a second. >> this kid here. >> jimmy: yes. >> he was so cute because then he raced to get in this photo, as well. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey, that's pretty -- >> so he was like, from one to the other. >> jimmy: see? that's awesome. >> and, yeah. >> jimmy: you're in dublin. >> yeah. well, dublin was -- >> jimmy: so amazing. >> dublin was awesome because dublin was really intimate. it was really small theatre. it was our smallest theatre. more comparable to last year's tour and, so we went from our biggest theater, london o2 to our smallest. >> jimmy: you did the o2? >> yeah, we did the o2 arena. >> jimmy: how many were there? >> um, -- >> jimmy: like 40,000 or 50,000 people or something, right? >> let's say that. i don't know. we set some kind of weird, cool record. >> jimmy: you got another
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record? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you have to know all these records. >> that's what they said but i don't know. >> jimmy: take this with you. you've done all this. [ laughter ] i mean, it's phenomenal, yeah. well, i want to show everyone a clip of "glee" 3-d. here we go, right now. >> cool. ♪ don't stop believin' hold on to that feelin' streetlights, people oh, oh, ohh ♪ ♪ don't stop believin' hold on to that feelin' streetlights, people oh, oh, ohh ♪ ♪ don't stop [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh my gosh, that's what i'm talking about. come on. [ cheers and applause ] go see "glee: the 3-d concert movie," in theatres, next friday. our thanks to dianna agron, right there. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> jimmy: our thanks to dianna, again. the sheepdogs are coming up next, you guys. come on back for this! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ female announcer ] it's time to raise the bar
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guests are on the cover of the new issue of "rolling stone," after beating out 15 other artists to win a contract with atlantic records. performing the song, "i don't know," from their ep "five easy pieces," please welcome the sheepdogs! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ ♪ never had i heard a more disturbing word, yeah holding on for long i never felt so quite ♪ ♪ disturbed i get up in the morning now i don't know waiting for the evening ♪ ♪ hour i don't know i've been looking for what's coming now ♪ ♪ i don't know will somebody please help me ♪ ♪ ♪ looking back at me it's more than mystery, yeah ♪ ♪ pages and pages of this ancient history, yeah i get up in the morning now i don't know ♪
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♪ waiting for the evening hour i don't know ♪ ♪ i've been looking for what's coming now i don't know ♪ ♪ will somebody please help me ♪ ♪ ♪ i don't know help me oh, help me, baby ♪ ♪ i don't know you don't do no help me ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ i don't know ♪ help me i don't know you don't do no ♪ ♪ help me ♪ i don't know whoa help me oh yeah ♪ ♪ i don't know help me yeah ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the sheepdogs, everybody!
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dude, congratulations, man. the sheepdogs. check out their new ep, "five easy pieces." we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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